The best Shopify alternative for 2023 is a surprise for dropshippers

Learn about the best alternative to Shopify for 2023, a pleasant surprise for dropshippers, a new free platform with imaginative features

Welcome, in this humble topic we will discuss a new platform that is really not the best Shopify alternative, but I personally consider it the best dropshipping platform ever. Yes, it is a new platform with imaginary features, and the very wonderful thing about this platform is that it is free. All you need to start working on drop shipping on this platform is to buy a domain from it at a price of $ 20. Likewise, the wonderful thing about this new platform is that you do not need to buy products and ship them yourself, but rather all you will do is add any product from Aliexpress with one click of a button and add your net profit and publish the product to sell it, and when someone buys it, the platform is charged with buying and shipping and gives you your net profit. For all this, the company deducts 7 percent of your net profit.

The best Shopify alternative for 2023 is a surprise for dropshippers

Today we will get to know the new CHIPCHIP platform. The name of this platform was previously TeeChip, and its main specialty was printing on demand, such as the Redbubble platform and others. Now it has added a new platform called chip chip that specializes in drop shipping. It also has the feature of designing T-shirts.
You can create a professional dropshipping store on this platform for free. All you need to start working is to buy a domain for a symbolic amount of $ 20 for a year, and start publishing products on your store.

The beautiful thing about this platform is also that you can publish any Aliexpress product on your store with the link only, that is, you put the product link in a box and bring the entire product to your store with its address, description, images, and even ratings as well. Isn't that cool and easy.

You can preview THIS STORE that you have created on the Chip platform

How to register on the Chip site

As for the registration method, it is very easy. You register as if you open an account on Facebook. There are no complications.
To register, Click here

Then fill in the fields with your information (your email, password...), and after registration, the control panel will appear to you like this
To add a new product, click on Dropship, then click on the small button (Import), then click on the orange button (Add aliexpress products), paste the product link in the box, and click on the green button (Import), and the entire product will be fetched. You can control the product information. You can change the title and pictures And the description or leave the information as it is (note: the title may be long. You must make it somewhat short in order to be accepted on the platform, because Ali Express addresses are long and bad, try to change the addresses in your own way).

How to buy a domain or a custom domain name for your store

To buy a domain, click on Domains, then click on Create Domain, then write your domain name in the box and move on to the next step. You will need a global payment card in order to be able to buy the domain.

How much money will you pay for setting up a store on the Ship platform?

You will not pay anything but a symbolic amount to buy a domain. You will pay $ 20 per year only to renew your domain, and you will own a professional store that you have never dreamed of before, unlike the Shopify platform and other platforms in which you have to pay $ 25 per month or more, in addition to other problems such as buying The product and its shipment... With this platform, you can publish up to millions of products, and for each product you sell, the platform takes 7 percent of your net profit, not the price of the product. In other words, if you publish a product on your store, its original price on Ali Express is $50, and you add your profit to it. The net amount is $ 100, so the price of the product becomes $ 150. If you sell it, you will take $ 93, and the platform will take only $ 7, or 7 percent of your net profit. Isn't that very cool!

Withdrawal methods on the CHIP platform

The platform has many withdrawal methods, including Payoneer, bank transfer, and Paypal.

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