How to remove hair from the body permanently

Excess hair, whether on the face or on the body at the present time, is undesirable for many women, and it can affect a woman's self-confidence in her life, work, and also in her beauty, and there are many methods that are used to get rid of excess hair that can It grows on any area of ​​the body, and you can also choose the method that suits the type of skin, and in the following we will talk about ways to remove excess hair from the body.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is one of the techniques that prevents its reappearance, or at least delays its appearance for longer periods, and it is noted that the best results are obtained when applied to individuals with light skin and dark hair, and laser treatment can be applied to most areas of the body except for the eyelids, And what surrounds it, and the mechanism of action of this technique depends on shining a beam of light on the area from which hair is to be removed , so the skin pigment i.e. melanin absorbs this light to convert its energy from light to thermal, which in turn destroys hair follicles and prevents its growth again, and it is worth noting that it can The need to conduct several treatment sessions to reach the desired result.

The application of laser treatment sessions for permanent hair removal has some results and symptoms that can be addressed, including the following:
- The feeling of burning in the skin is similar to sunburn, but it does not last for more than a day or two, and it can be alleviated with the help of cold compresses and skin moisturizers.
- The possibility of experiencing a change in skin color during the next month of treatment; As a result of hair loss, this can be avoided by applying sunscreen throughout the month.
- Some people with darker skin may experience acne after treatment.
- The skin is exposed to redness, swelling and the appearance of scars in some cases, but you must be reassured that these symptoms are temporary and will not remain permanently.

Electrolysis to get rid of body hair

It is possible to get rid of excess hair throughout the body using electrolysis technology, in which a small needle containing an electric current is placed inside the hair follicle by internationally trained and accredited specialists, and there are two ways to get rid of excess hair by electrolysis, and they are: 
Galvanic: Uses chemicals to damage hair follicles. 
Thermolytic: uses heat to damage hair follicles.

Intense Pulsed Light Technology

Intense pulse light: The principle of this technique is based on the use of intense light of a certain wavelength, as it is shed on places that contain the highest percentage of melanin pigment, and this light damages the process of hair production, thus getting rid of it Finally, it must be done by professional specialists.

Natural recipes for hair removal

Chickpea, milk and rose water recipe

This recipe helps to exfoliate the skin , pull hair, and reduce its growth, because it contains chickpea or besan powder, also called gram flour, which absorbs excess oil from the skin, and cleanses the skin, and although all its ingredients are natural, the results of this recipe are slow, and you need Up to several months to see consistent results. Its method is:

The ingredients:
Two tablespoons of chickpea powder. A tablespoon of fresh milk cream. Two tablespoons of sandalwood powder. A tablespoon of mustard oil. A tablespoon of rose water. A small amount of turmeric powder.

How to prepare:
Mix the above ingredients together to get a paste. Put the paste on the places where there are excess hair and leave it on it for 20 minutes or until it dries. Rub the paste while cleaning the skin in the direction of hair growth. Wash the skin with cold water. Repeat this recipe regularly several times every week.

Red lentils, honey, sandalwood and earth clay

Red lentils help get rid of hair, and also exfoliate the skin. Its method is:

The ingredients:
Half a cup of red lentils. 1 tablespoon of ground clay (fuller). A teaspoon of sandalwood . Two tablespoons of raw honey. electric grinder

How to prepare:
Grind the lentils well with an electric grinder. Put two tablespoons of lentils in a bowl, then add the rest of the ingredients to it. Mix the ingredients together to get a paste, and then apply it to the places where you have excess hair. Leave the paste on the skin for 20 minutes or until it dries. Rub the paste while cleaning the skin in the direction of hair growth. Wash the skin with cold water. Repeat the recipe regularly several times each week.

Banana and oatmeal recipe 

Banana and oatmeal recipe is used in skin care recipes, as it helps to get rid of excess hair, to exfoliate the skin, and to soften it. Its method is:

The ingredients:
A medium ripe banana. A teaspoon of oatmeal.
How to prepare:
Mash a banana, then add the oats to it and mix them to get a mixture. Put the mixture on the hair to be disposed of. Leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it with water. Repeat the recipe twice every week.

Alum and rose water recipe

The recipe for alum and rose water is one of the ingredients that are easily available in the market and also helps to get rid of body hair. Its method is:

The ingredients:
A teaspoon of alum powder . An appropriate amount of rose water. A piece of cotton. Appropriate amount of olive oil or sesame oil.

How to prepare:
Mix the alum with rose water until the alum dissolves in the rose water. Soak a cotton ball with the mixture. Apply the mixture to the places you want to remove hair from and leave it to dry completely. Repeat the application of the mixture again and leave it for an hour. Wash and moisturize the skin with olive or sesame oil. Repeat the recipe three times every week.

Note: If the skin is sensitive, the mixture should be applied for 15-20 minutes only.

Basil and onion recipe

Basil and onion recipe is one of the best recipes to get rid of excess hair. Its method is:

The ingredients:
10 leaves of basil . An appropriate amount of medium-sized onions.

How to prepare:
Crush the onion and basil together well to get a smooth mixture. Put the mixture on the places you want to remove hair from. Leave the mixture on the body for 20-25 minutes. Wash the skin with clean water. Repeat the recipe 3-4 times every week for two months.

Papaya and turmeric recipe 

Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which helps to break down hair follicles and prevent their appearance. In addition, papaya exfoliates the skin, which is suitable for sensitive skin. Its method is:

The ingredients:
Two tablespoons of papaya puree . Half a tablespoon of turmeric.

How to prepare:
Peel and chop the papaya, then mash it to get a paste. Mix papaya paste with turmeric to get a paste. Put the paste on the places you want to remove hair from and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash the skin with lukewarm water. Repeat the recipe twice every week

Tips to increase the effectiveness of body hair removal

There are many tips and guidelines that increase the effectiveness of home remedies for permanent hair removal. Including:
- Be patient because these treatments take a long time to show results.
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated.
- Steaming the skin before applying home remedies to open the closed pores and thus facilitate the disposal of excess hair.
- Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, which leads to the regulation of body hormones and thus prevents excessive hair growth.

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