Natural acne treatment for oily skin

The doctor chooses the appropriate acne treatment method for oily skin based on the severity of the pimples and the extent of their spread in the face. There are also some home recipes that can help relieve acne and prevent its appearance on the skin.
Natural recipes for treating acne for oily skin
Here are some natural recipes for treating acne for oily skin:

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil helps reduce swelling and redness because it contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which means that it gets rid of bacteria that cause acne, and tea tree extract comes in the form of creams, gels, or oil to treat acne. And the way is:

The ingredients
- A few drops of tea tree oil. - A few drops of carrier oil.
How to prepare
- Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil.
- Put oil on the love.

Honey: Honey has been used to treat skin diseases such as acne for thousands of years, as honey contains many antioxidants that remove dirt and dead skin cells from the pores of the skin, and doctors use honey in wound dressings because of its healing and antibacterial properties. And the way is:

The ingredients
- An amount of natural honey.
- A piece of cotton.
How to prepare
- Dip a piece of cotton in honey.
- Wipe the pimples with honey.

Oatmeal: Oats help soothe irritated skin and absorb excess skin oil, oats also help exfoliate dead skin. And the way is:

The ingredients
Half a cup of oats. amount of hot water. A tablespoon of honey.

How to prepare
Mix half a cup of oats with hot water; to get a paste. Add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Massage the face with the oatmeal mixture for three minutes, then rinse the face with warm water. Leave the oatmeal for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Garlic: Many traditional medicine practitioners use garlic to treat infections and enhance the body’s ability to fight bacteria. Garlic contains sulfur compounds, which have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Organic sulfur compounds can also help boost the immune system, helping The body fights infection, and garlic can be added to the diet. Some people eat whole garlic cloves, rub them on toast, make a hot drink from them, or take garlic powder or capsules, which can be obtained from most grocery stores and natural health stores, but Caution should be exercised when using garlic on the skin; Because it may cause more irritation, and burns the skin. And the way is:

Ingredients: a few cloves of garlic.
Preparation method: garlic is applied directly to the pimples.

Note: Be careful when using garlic on the skin, as it may cause further irritation as garlic can burn the skin.

Tomato mask: Tomatoes contain salicylic acid, which is a common remedy for getting rid of acne naturally. The acids in tomatoes help absorb excess oils from the skin, and reduce pores, and the method is:

Ingredients: a teaspoon of sugar. The pulp of one mashed tomato.
Preparation method: Mix the ingredients together. Massage the face in circular motions. Leave the mixture on the face for 5 minutes; until dry.

Medical methods for treating acne for oily skin

Some topical medications that are sold without a prescription in pharmacies can be tried for several weeks, and if they are not enough to treat the pills, you must consult a doctor to reveal the cause of the pills and prescribe other treatments against acne whose use requires obtaining a prescription:
1- A peeling serum or ointment: It is one of the best materials that anyone who suffers from oily skin can enter into his daily skin care routine, whether with or without grains. The peeling is applied once a day or 2-3 times a week, depending on the degree of oily skin.

- Benzoyl peroxide
- Salicylic acid
- Azelaic acid

2- A topical antibiotic (in the form of a cream or ointment) or oral pills: used in the event of active and inflamed pills, and the doctor does not choose any type of antibiotic, he selects types of antibiotics known to be effective against the bacteria that cause pills, such as: Stridex ointment, Zineryt lotion, Azithromycin (Zomax) pills, or Doxycycline (Doxydar) pills.

3- A cream or gel that contains a retinoid derivative: such as acritin cream, differin, or Retin-A. Pills should be continued to be used for the best long-term result; Where it is placed once in the evening before bedtime, spreading it over the entire area prone to acne.

4- Isotretinoin pills (Roctan): These pills contain a retinoid derivative, but the difference is that the body gets it here in the form of oral tablets instead of applying it in the form of an ointment on the skin. Prescription and follow-up with the doctor with regular blood tests for liver function and the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

5- Contraceptive pills: such as Diane and Jasmine pills, and they are prescribed if the cause of acne is hormonal imbalances such as polycystic ovaries.

Tips for treating acne

There are some important tips to deal with acne for oily skin, including:

- Clean the face regularly, and it is recommended to wash the face twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and not more, and use foamy soap, or a creamy face wash, as the detergents that produce foam effectively remove excess oil, leaving the skin feeling fresh and clean, and it is also important to wash the face regularly. Body and face after sweating as a result of exertion such as exercise. Sweat irritates the skin, and activates the appearance of acne. Excessive washing of the face is not recommended; Because washing the face too much causes dryness and irritation.

- Avoid rubbing oily skin that suffers from acne during peeling; Because rubbing the skin vigorously and frequently will not make it less oily, and it will not improve acne; Because it will irritate the skin.

- Following a skin care routine for oily skin helps to improve dramatically.

- Regular use of exfoliating products or acne treatments reduces excess oil in the skin, reduces the size of large pores and makes them appear smaller. use of salicylic acid; To reduce large pores, without the need for a prescription.

- Be patient when using acne treatments; Because it takes time, whether the treatment focuses on removing pimples, or reducing the production of skin oil.

- Do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist if help is needed.

What is the cause of acne for oily skin?

Oily skin by nature is prone to grains due to the excessive production of fat from the sebaceous glands. This excessive production occurs for many reasons such as: genes, or hormonal changes. The appearance of acne in oily skin can be explained by closing the pores of the skin; As a result of the accumulation of dead skin cells in it, and thus the entrapment of skin oil, and it does not come out to the surface, then these accumulations become infected with bacteria, so they become inflamed and irritated, and this is called acne, and many treatments are available for acne of oily skin.

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